Justus Wiseman 0

Shoot Her Hoops

23 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Justus Wiseman 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Media was intended to be a platform that informs, entertains, and reflects society. In regards to sports, women make up approximately 40% of participation. However, they are reported to only receive 5% of coverage in the United States. When will women begin to get an equal amount of coverage for their skills, hard work, dedication, and competitiveness? It can all start with one click from you! Shoot Her Hoops pushes for more media coverage on female sports; particularly, basketball. By signing this petition, you are in agreeance that female athletes deserve representation in media. Additionally, the representations portrayed are not to be hypersexualized and/or tractable.

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