Mark Chamberlin 0

Sherlock series 5

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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I need your signatures......

At this point in time I'm in a bit of a huge crisis. I'm now facing a decision on weather or not I should quit Sherlock. Now Sherlock series 5 is going to be the next series that is scheduled for release next year, however I don't know whether to do it. At this current moment in time I have had some of the cast drop out (maybe perminantly) due to other arrangements, I'm still in the process of writing all 3 episodes and I'm yet to make a soundtrack for it . But this is the problem..... I have other things !

I have school ,exams, weekend trips, family visits , etc. This is too much and I am finding it incredibly hard to cope with ,and I feel like I want to give up on in Sherlock and filming forever . So this means any films, shows, vlogs and videos that I have announced won't happen! Hense why I need your help . Im In a situation in which I don't know if I will waste my time . So basically now I am going to have to push other things out of the way in order to make preparation for series 5 e.g. scripts ,finding new cast, locations ,music, etc. Thing is I don't know if it is really worth my time . Because realistically if I go through all this effort and stress to try and prepare this for three 1 hour long films that no one (not many people ) wil watch then it would of been a real waste of time . So I need you to just take less than 20 seconds out of your day and sign this petition by clicking that button . That way I will know that people will want series 5 to go ahead,and I can put in my spare time to work really hard and make Sherlock series 5 absolutely fantastic by finding new cast , writing amazing scripts, edit them amazingly and overall make it the best series you've ever seen !

Thank you

Mark Chamberlin

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