Help stop the selling and production of Illegal "Bath Salts"

The citizens of Augusta County are not going to stand for the selling of illegal bath salts. It is a growing problem that is getting worse by the minute. It has killed people, destroyed homes, and has even put people in nursing homes all because of the side effects of snorting, smoking or injecting bath salts. I live in Craigsville, part of Augusta County, and it has gotten to the point where I feel unsafe to even ride down the road because of all the people that look so abnormal and insane due to being on this drug. I have a teenage son and four young grandchildren that will be affected one way or another if this isnt stopped soon. What is it going to take before someone wants to do something? Another Columbine shooting? It will be to late then. So please help us and sign this petition. Help us fight this battle against this dangerous drug.