Shame on you Marks and Spencer for your failure to honour your promise to provide customers with the Televsion they ordered.
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Maxine K. signed
just now
Adam B. signed
just now
Since the pettition below was started Marks and Spencer emailed every customer involved apologising for the problem and promising to allow them to re-order the Panasonic VIERA 502 TX-P50ST30B as long as they called back by 5th February.
After a month in which they company have refused to accept orders from many people, while sending out 3 or 4 televisions to some addresses, taken second orders from others holding on to their money (for around 2 weeks) without progressing orders and extending delivery estimates to late March, have not contacted customers when promised and mislead customers into believing "everything would be ok" in numerous telephone conversations we are now in a position where some customers are being singled out to receive an inferior product (VIERA TX-P50UT30B) with a last minute offer that can only be seen as bully tactics from a company that has refused to give out any information until 3 days before the deadline for orders has been reached and are broaching the offer in a "take if or leave it" manner. This is disgusting behaviour by a retailer who gained publicity from a false promise.
We the undersigned demand that Marks and Spencer treat all the customers involved in this order fairly and offer them their original model or one that is clearly equal or of greater value.
Previous petition below:
On Sunday the 8th January 2012 a number of individual's entered into a binding contract with Marks & Spencer for a Panasonic VIERA 50'' TX-P50ST30B for which they advertised as a "Deal of the Day" on their website. Marks & Spencer sent out email confirmation's, followed shortly after by "Despatching soon" (clarifies the order acceptance after checks for no error's on the order) notifications on our accounts and took monies of £199 for each tv purchased. M&S then decided after a number of days to call selective purchaser's to cancel the order's on the grounds of "technical error" or "software error". The balance of us received a generic email to call customer services as there was a problem with our order's. On Friday the 13th January, 5 days on from taking our money still refuse to hounour the binding contract you have we us and also deny taking our money (recorded phone conversation's to prove this). We have confirmation from our banks that you took the money and now have our money as there are debit authorisation codes to prove this.
Your company then offer a £25 credit on account and hope we will accept this which in turn will deny respnsibility to fulfil the accepted and contracted order's. You have also have wiped all information of any original order from our account's without our consent whilst you are still in possession of our money.
Do not blame us for your failed system's or pricing error's or whatever excuse you wish to bring upon us. M&S accepted the order's as a binding contract the moment they agreed to accept and be in receipt our our fund's. We will not give up our fight until justice prevails, they have broken their own Terms & Conditions ("Acceptance of your order" paragraph 5) and a binding contract with us the consumer, for refusing to supply the above mentioned television.
Accept responsibility for your failed action's and despatch what we purchased and now own according to eye's of the Law. Your name will not be cleared as a leading UK retailer until you rectify this shambolic blatant disregard for e-commerce customer service and unlawful behaviour. If you as a consumer, like me, want justice please voice yourself. Marks & Spencer, send the promised television's to those that have rightfully paid now.
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