Parents Against Unionization of Child Care

Whereas I am the parent or guardian of a child who attends a licensed home-based daycare; and Whereas I am very satisfied with the current quality of care my child receives from my provider; and Whereas the overwhelming majority of child care providers do not want to be part of a union or pay "fair share" fees if they opt not to join; and Whereas family child care providers are individual small business owners who negotiate their rates exclusively with me, as a parent or guardian; and Whereas each family child care provider is responsible for setting and maintaining their own working conditions, contracts, payment schedules, and work environments; and Whereas unionization of child care will adversely affect rates, availability of child care and harm the provider who our family trusts and relies on; Therefore, I hereby sign this petition in opposition to the effort to unionize self-employed childcare providers as currently introduced as SF 778 and HF 950, in order to maintain the high levels of quality care, access, and professionalism our family is accustomed to.