Alfonso Guevara 0

SF, start enforcing the sit-lie law again

80 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Alfonso Guevara 0 Comments
80 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

For too long now SF has turned a blind eye to the majority of its residents and instead has been pandering to groups such as the Homeless Coalition out of political fear. Residents of SF for years have had to suffer living surrounded by tent encampments that have taken hold in less affluent communities. These encampments too often come with criminal behavior such as prostitution, drug use, theft and health risks due to the garbage and human waste. We the residents are demanding that our voices be heard. We are sick of being neglected. Please sign this petition which will be addressed to mayor Ed Lee and the SF Board of Supervisors. They need to make cleaning up the encampments a top priority.

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