Set Rockys memorial back up

My son,Rocky Swartzfager was hit and killed by a drunk driver Sept 15 2015. He had a memorial site set up on the corner of Libbey and Boston by the stop sign. It had been there for three years. We kept it clean and nice. Everyone said it was one of the prettiest memorials they had ever seen. Yesterday (January 26), my husband and I got a call from my daughter saying that someone was throwing everything away at the memorial site. As we pulled up there was a man standing with a shovel,saying that the owner of the property didn't want the memorial there anymore, that it was there long enough. I asked where all Rockys things were and he smuggling said "probably at the dump by now". My son was a good friend to many people in town. He was loved by many. To just take down his memorial site is a disgrace. I'm needing 1,000 signatures to get the site restored. Please help me. Please remember Rocky.