Kayla Moore 0

Seniors against A lunch

94 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kayla Moore 0 Comments
94 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Dear Cy-springs Faculty and Staff,

We the class of 2018 would like to submit this formal petition to keep as many seniors as possible out of A lunch. Although this request might seem ridiculous and not worth the consideration through the four years that we have attended Cypress Springs it has been known that A lunch is majority freshman. This not to say that we have anything in particular against freshman, it is just that it can feel lonely and isolating to be surrounded by people who you do not know when for four years you have built bonds and created friendships. Not to mention that this time is really the only time we have to socialize and catch up with our friends, and it would just be nice to actually be able to spend time with them. This is not a request to chose which lunch we get per say it is more of a plea to get you guys to understand that we want to be able to have the best senior possible and this would not only be a big part of the experience but it would also be tremendously appreciated. Thank you for your consideration!


Cy-springs highschool class of 2018

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