Bullying of senior citizens

As we have all read in the papers and online, three tourists, British, in particular, took a free ride on a trishaw and ran off without paying. Now, the trishaw rider was a 67-year-old Singaporean elderly Chinese man, Mr Lee Shee Lam, who has been riding his trishaw for 15 years to date. The tourists were THREE medium built Caucasians, British in particular. Knowing their build and weights, they forced themselves onto the trishaw and made the poor old man bring them on an uphill direction. The price of SGD$15.00 was agreed upon by both sides even before the gruelling ride began. But this was more than he bargained for. As he rode his trishaw, pulling the three heavy people on his trishaw, they were constantly filming, and taunting him in English - a language which Mr Lee did not understand. The irony was in the title of the joke-film they had wanted to make: "Slowest taxi in South East Asia". When they finally reached their desired destination, they further brought the price down to SGD$5 instead, a third of the originally agreed price. As one of the three was slowly reaching inside his wallet for money, the other two have already went off and hailed a taxi. In the end, the third also went off without paying, leaving a hapless Mr Lee standing there, perspiring profusely, at his wits\' ends, and with no compensation for his work. This was further aggravated when they uploaded the video they took, along with their faces, and taunts, to YouTube.com Citing themselves as being "insensitive" but definitely not "bullies", they have removed the video after rallying comments of disagreement and hate have been thrown their way. Why would they have removed the video if it was just being plain "insensitive" I urge fellow readers to decide, after watching the video which has been uploaded by another user, and reading an online news report by The Daily Mail and decide if they are bullies, or just being plain insensitive. http://youtube.com/watchv=KB_GoQ-h9Zg http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.htmlin_article_id=490946&in_page_id=1770 Please sign if you feel that they are just senseless bullies who should have known better than to bully senior citizens, much less those who are just out there to eke a living.