Senior Rights

We, The Seniors of Rock Hill School District, believe that we have the right to an earlier last day of school like the seniors before us. This is a right that has been wrongfully taken away from us. Those few days before graduation when we could leave early, was a time for us to spend with our friends. With all of us getting ready to graduate, it is a time for us to create those last memories with our high school friends before we leave. Those few days are also a time for us to spend with our relatives who live out of town. With everything that has to happen for graduation, we might only have time to actually be with them on those few days that we have out of school. We believe that we have the right to be out of school at least three days earlier than the rest of the school. This has been something that we have looked forward to ever since we were freshman. Allow us to have that right as seniors.
#FreeTheRockHillSeniors #Letthemlive,Letthemleave