Senior Prank
Tracey Bauldree Georgia

Senior Prank

Tracey Bauldree Georgia
117 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Clearly we need an explanation of the policies and procedures for Grady County Schools. I don't understand how a child can be bullied to the extreme and the bully is suspended for a few days but a few great children pull a senior prank and get the book thrown at them. This really is sad and somebody needs to step up. I'll stand up for these kids any day in court and give my opinion. Sadly our school system has failed us as parents and I am going to voice my opinion about it. These kids are just trying to make their last year a year to remember, as did each class before them, and our County is trying to take that from them. Stand up Grady County and speak out about our children because if we don't who will?!?!?!

As we all know, a group of Seniors from Cairo High School decided to play a Senior prank. I won't get into details concerning the prank, but no physical harm was caused to anyone and the prank was harmless.All the children involved are great children. To punish them to the extreme of felony charges and not allow them to return to school after their 10 day suspension is an extreme punishment. All the kids have been suspended from school and that is punishment enough. After the suspension is completed these kids should be allowed to return to school and graduate with their class. These kids have worked hard from the very first day of Pre-K/Kindergarten to their Senior year and to take that away from them would be a shame. All the obstacles and achievements these kids have overcome and accomplished are honestly quite rewarding in itself knowing that one day they would be able to walk across that stage and receive their diploma realizing it was all worth it.

In starting this petition I'm hoping the parents of children in our school district will stand up and speak out and not let these kids futures and lives be ruined because of a prank. I started this petition because I would like for the School Board to take in to consideration the facts that these kids did no harm to any particular individual and it was never intended to go as far as it did, have all charges dismissed, and allow these kids to return to school. Also, to please remember these kids have their entire lives ahead of them.

This is their senior year and these kids are just trying to have fun and make it a year they will remember forever. I believe with all my heart that a valuable lesson has been learned from this and these kids have remorse for what was done

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