Keeping Self.com's Ask the Expert!

To the editors of Self Magazine: My name is Elizabeth Kurz. Four years ago, almost to the day, I joined the community online at Self.com. I also joined the Selfdietclub.com. While I was not "ready" to lose the weight just yet, I was certainly given plenty of tools to use in which to facilitate weight loss. Also, I was giving a wide variety of support through various forum folders like Ask the Expert and the Self Diet Club folder. It was nice to know where I could go for various questions I had, or to connect with other women if I needed someone to lean on. When I moved to Germany almost 4 years ago, I was able to lose the weight with the help of the diet club and the wonderful women of the forums. I lost 2 pounds shy of 100lbs and got fit, toned and strong, not only physically, but emotionally as well. For every bit of information I've taken in, I've made sure to retain it and when someone comes on the forums with the same questions I had just a short while ago, it's nice to know I can give back to those who gave so much to me, and help someone else. Paying it forward so to speak. While I understand the "hassle" of having an expert coming on the boards every week or so, it would be nice to keep the folder, but just rename it something else, and with it, keep all the great info circulating out there without getting lost amongst the bungle and jungle of all the support groups out there. To know that no one's health/fitness/weight questions are going unanswered! We've signed this petition to say just how much we LOVE self.com and how much we want to keep this folder open to us, and others that may not have visited yet, or those that wish to come back simple to have some questions answered! We feel this part of the forums is quite vital to the whole of the Self community and by signing below, we verify that we want to keep it growing strong! Thank you and have a great day! Elizabeth Kurz