A Plead To Suspend Dr. Conrad Murray's License While The Case Of His Patient Michael Jackson's Homicide Is Still In Progress.
Seeking Justice For MJJ 0

A Plead To Suspend Dr. Conrad Murray's License While The Case Of His Patient Michael Jackson's Homicide Is Still In Progress.

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Texas Medical Board
TMB Departmental Mail Code: Investigations - 263

P.O. Box 2018
Austin, TX 78768-2018


We the people across the globe are making a plea that Dr. Conrad Murray who has already admitted to being responsible for administering the drug Propofol to the late Michael Joseph Jackson which has been proven to have caused the death of Mr. Jackson, be suspended from practicing as a physician while the case of his patient Michael Jackson's homicide is still in progress. We do not believe that allowing him to continue practicing as a physician while the case is still in progress is ethical and we believe that it does not set a good example of what the medical community represents today. Dr. Conrad Murray did not have any jurisdiction to administer the drug Propofol to any patient especially in a home and out of hospital setting. We are appalled that The Texas Medical Board would allow such a thing with regard that a human life was taken away from his family, his children, and the world especially with regard to the children of the world that Mr. Jackson was known for helping through his charitable works. We ask that you do what is ethical and support our cause by not allowing Dr. Conrad Murray to practice as a physician while the case of his patient Michael Jackson's homicide is still in progress.


Seeking Justice For Michael.





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