Security Clearance for Qualified and Unemployed

My name is Leilani Morgan, and I am a well qualified unemployed American in the Information Technology Field. Like me, thousands of qualified Americans have been displaced by this economy. In my search for new opportunities I've come across many positions with the federal government as well as with government contractors for which I am well qualified for, but require an active security clearance to even have my resume looked at. Although I held a secret clearance while in the U.S. Army, many of today's jobs require an ACTIVE secret or top secret clearance, which I no longer have. It is very frustrating and demoralizing to know that one is qualified for a job, and the only obstacle standing between you and the pursuit of happiness through that opportunity is the lack of an active security clearance. Part of the stimulus package money should be used to help qualified displaced workers obtain the security clearance necessary to secure employment and contribute to the improvement of our nation's economic outlook. None of us want handouts. We seek the pride, sense of responsibility and accountability that comes from waking up every day to go to work. Many of us are trying to do anything possible to remove all obstacles that keep us from being gainfully employed. This is just one of those efforts. This petition is being circulated to request the help from the folks that We the People elected on November of 2008 to help us get out from under this economic mess. I am seeking to obtain over one million signatures. Once I reach this number I will personally deliver the petition to Washington D.C. along with whoever wants to join me.