Seat Florida & Michigan Delegates NOW!

We, the Black Sheep Delegation of the Democratic party, demand that the Democratic National Committee recognize the results of Florida\'s and Michigan\'s primaries and seat our delegates at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. On January 15, 2008, 572,129 Michigan Democrats voted in the Democratic primary even though two of the three frontrunners for the nomination had pulled their names from the ballot. On January 29, 2008, 1.7 million Floridians voted in the Democratic primary despite being told repeatedly that their votes wouldn\'t count. We voted in record numbers because we are deeply concerned about the future of our country. We are thinking about the economy, national security, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, energy independence, the environment, and health care. We are not concerned with primary schedules. We are private citizens, and we are not responsible for the tug-of-war between the state Democratic parties and the DNC. We demand that our votes be counted now before the primary season ends. Howard Dean\'s "50-state strategy" was credited with returning the House and Senate to the Democrats in 2006. It will take all 50 states for Democrats to win the White House in 2008. Count our votes now!