Professor Barth Nnaji must resign if Nigeria does not attain 5,000 MW of electricity by 31 Dec 2011.

Nigeria's Minister of Power, Professor Barth Nnaji, has again assured Nigerians that the Federal Government’s objective to attain 5,000 MW of electricity by 31 Dec. 2011 was fully on course. Every Nigerian is waiting patiently for 24/7 electricity and achieving 5,000 MW will help to provide the much needed electricity to help Nigeria and Nigerian move forward. While we would like to see the success of his Minitry, Search Nigeria thinks Professor Nnaji must resign if this promised is not fulfilled. This petition is to show Nigerians that leadership must be held responsible and we have now begun to expect all our leaders to stand by their own words or leave office. Please sign this petition for his resignation if he does not fulfil his promise.