Public Notice: Extending the Scouts perimeter to include wood area.
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Ist Gilwern Scout HQ, Gilwern have proposed and subject to Public Consultation approved by Llanelly CC.
Ist Gilwern Scouts have submitted a proposal to fence off a large area around their current compound plus the section of wood that runs along the school fence.
Map : Phase 1 the red lines. Phase 2 the blue lines. Black line current path.
It is believed but not confirmed that the scouts wish to use the area to provide secure camping for themselves and other scout groups.
Objections received to date: -
- Gilwern scout have for many year camped at the LLangenny camp site which is fully equipped for their needs and is approx. 5 minute from their current scout hut. Now they appear to have decided they want their very own camp site within Gilwern Park.
- They want not only to exclude local residents from their park but the wood and close the current path to the school.
- There have also been numerous breaches of our community councils standing orders.
- The Scouts have access to numerous other facilities within the local area. Gilwern Outdoor Education Centre, Gilwern Primary school grounds, Gilwern Park playing fields. Gilwern Outdoor Education Centre provides a large area of grassed open space, woodland area with fire circle, camping facilities including toilets.
- The proposal cuts off the route through the park from the south side (Dan-y-Bryn etc) to the school. No proposal has been made to redirect the current path. The path itself not only allows quick access to the school but allows parent of older children to know their children are safe going to school while being watched by other parents. No path means more cars on the school run or a longer walk. This path is the only all-weather path within the park and allows the less able to go for a walk and stop and rest along the way on the seats provided.
- The section of Bluebell wood in question has large numbers of Bluebells growing there. Bluebells are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981). Trampling feet would kill off the Bluebells.
- Gilwern 1st Scouts want to use the extended area to facilitate other groups of Scouts. This may increase the park issue currently experienced in the area. Limited benefit to current community plus further reducing the ever diminishing park space available to the wider community.
- The secure area has NO benefit to the wider community.
- The Scouts claim that between 100 beavers, cubs & scouts use the current facilities per week spread over approx. 4 sessions. There is a waiting list. We understand the at least 12 children are not actual local children.
- The current fence around the scouts' compound cannot be extended(illegal) so the whole of the proposed area would require a new fence to be erected plus a screening hedge grown in front of the fence. Maintenance costs would be on going. Scouts claim poverty so there would be increased costs involved to the community if the proposed development takes place. Their record on keeping the current compound tidy is not good.
- Little or no benefit to the wider community.
- There is precious little free space left in our park that has not been taken up by single interests groups ie football, Bowls..