Against the Widening/Expansion of Schoolhouse Rd.
Dustin Domzalski 0

Against the Widening/Expansion of Schoolhouse Rd.

10 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Dustin Domzalski 0 Comments
10 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

PLEASE SIGN BY JANUARY 16 AS ALL CORRESPONDANCE ON THE SUBJECT IS DUE THEN!! Most of us have recieved notice within the past few month informing us that IDOT is attempting to get the funding for an expansion of Schoolhouse Rd. I know we recieved our notice of the public hearing for this project AFTER the hearing had already been held! (this is so no one would show up, therefore making it easier to proceed with their plan) Most of us are having a hard enough time as it is with these economic times, now we have to worry about losing our land, making financial situations worse for affected families all because they want to increase traffic Noise levels will be raised, burglary will increase (due to proximity to highway), severe traffic increases, these are just a few things in the laundry list of potential problems this will cause for people adjacent to Schoolhouse Rd. Please sign this petition to let our State Representive Renee Kosel and IDOT know that we won't sit by silently while they plot changes that will affect our lives. Thank you.


Dustin Domzalski
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