School Zone Radar Speed Limit Signs
As a parent who lives on Prospect in the school zone, I am disappointed to see how many people do not adhere to the speed limit of 25mph and 15mph, even when children are present. With an upgrade of speed limit signs, I know that we can get this under control. Studies have shown radar signs produce 10-20% reductions in average roadway speeds, along with an increase in compliance with the posted speed limit. The school has previously offered to help with the cost of the signs, but the Village Board turned this down. I would like to present this to the Village Board again with your signatures of support. There is a piece of land across from Highland that belongs to the Village where one of the signs could go for the NW direction. We could then replace the sign that is before the school crossing for the SE direction. Please help make our school zone safer by signing this petition. I appreciate your consideration and time.