Aubrey Lyons 0

School Safety

61 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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61 people have signed. Add your voice!
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The problem that I am looking to address and solve is school safety. I believe that school shootings are the number one problem that schools are wanting to address. The first thing to start with is the intruder. I've noticed that at Naugatuck High School that we do not have a sign that states to use the main entrance during school hours. This is very important, because people need to understand that they are not allowed into the building unless they are granted access through the main office. Another issue with school safety is kids letting in other kids at school. This is not acceptable and should be addressed. We do not have this problem addressed in our handbook and I would like to have it put in. I would also like to have mandatory see-something say-something posters in each of our classes. This is important, because kids need to know that if they see something or someone that is not supposed to be around school grounds they need to know to say something. If you agree with my petition I would love your signatures, thank you and your opinions matter.

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