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Stevens County Food Freedom Ordinance

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SUMMARY - For Full Petition (click here)Pertainsonly to Stevens county

To: All the People on Stevens county,

The U.S. federal government is in the process of implementing recently passed legislation thatrestricts our freedom to grow, purchase, and consume the foods of our choice. This law is entitled:"Food Safety Modernization Act - Public Law #111-353 (previously Senate Bill S-510)"; and it wassigned into law on January 4, 2011.

The Stevens County Assembly ( is promoting the adoptionof the Stevens County Food Freedom Ordinance. This Ordinance would serve to claim and enforceour natural rights to grow or purchase the food that we choose to support our families and ourselves.

There are many parts to this new legislation that are onerous. Here is a partial list of some of theLaw's onerous features:

The Law imposes substantial new bureaucratic regulations - registration, paperwork, andinspection, etc. - and processes on food producers and sellers.

The law contains much the same language as the previous NAIS (National AnimalIdentification System) legislation. Language like this was implemented in the European Unionand resulted in a 50% reduction in livestock ownership (not a misprint).

This places substantial burdens on the ownership of livestock.

This caused meat prices to skyrocket and resulted in an emphasis on vegetarian diet forthe population.

The law allows the FDA to detain and impound food based on "reasonable belief"; rather thanthe more stringent test of "credible evidence".

The law contains a provision that makes persons generating less than $500,000 in revenueexempt from most of the registration, paperwork, and inspection provisions. But please notethat this figure is not indexed for inflation; nor does it address the issue of multiple foodproducers participating in a "farmers' market" where the market would generate more than the$500,000 threshold.

The law provides for its preemption by international law based on international agreements.

This means that the U.N. will now impose its rules and regulations on your ability to grow,purchase, and consume foods of your choice.

The Stevens County Assembly invites all people domiciled on Stevens county to claim his/her naturalright to grow, produce, purchase, and consume the foods of his/her choice by signing the attachedpetition in support of the Food Freedom Ordinance petition.


Stevens County Assembly


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