Say No to the City of Toronto's ban on shore fishing

Say No to the City of Toronto banning shore Fishing on its waterfronts.
On June 5th 2012 the City of Toronto posted 'No Fishing' signs along all of its waterfronts, lots of them! The reason and rational for this ban is as of yet unknown.
Just the thought of banning fishing from shore in Toronto is outrageous, and yet the infinite wisdom of City officials has lead them to do just that. There is strength in numbers, we need to let City Hall know that we will not stand for such a blatant and unwarranted infringement of our rights! With enough signatures maybe we can show City Hall that we are serous, and that we are not going away! Please sign up and share the petition with your friends. Let's not let this issue get swept under the rug!
Please take a minute to sign the on-line petition below, it only takes 2 seconds.
Please also visit and’ Like’ the ‘Say No To The City Of Toronto Fishing Ban’ Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/SayNoToTheTorontoFishingBan
More details on the ban can be found here:http://www.torontosun.com/2012/06/10/fishing-fight-on-the-waterfront
If we make enough noise and collect a good number of signatures I'm confident that we can get this ridiculous ban revoked.
Thank you for your support.