Say No to a supermarket in Marple

Information: Plan's to build a Tesco Extra on the current site of Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College in Marple have began to take form. Say No and save Marple's business' and culture. Description: Plan's to build a Tesco Extra on the current site of Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College in Marple have began to take form. Say No now and save Marple's business' and culture. The surrounding residents as well as the rest of the Marple community will suffer from the proposed new Tesco. The private owners of the land were offered £4 Million by the education board however they were then outbidded by Tesco when they offered a massive and somewhat forceful bid of £12 Million. The Sufferers: - Local Residents (e.g De-valued property, Noise & Light Polution, Loss of Privacy) - The education system as it loses yet another building. - Local business' that lose their trade due to lower prices. - The general community as there is a proposed new 'traffic flow system' to deal with increased in-bound and out-bound traffic to Marple, including a huge roundabout by the Swimming Pool & Lesiure Centre. (Traffic conjestion is bad enough already.) - The community as a whole. Marple is based on it's traditional values and local business' and building a huge and unsightly 'Megastore' in the outskirts of the town centre is beyond a joke. TESCO HAS GONE ONE STEP TOO FAR THIS TIME & NOW IT IS TIME TO ACT. Please 'Like' this page now and share with as many people as you can. We support Marple in Action. SAY NO!