Say NO to mandatory personal accident insurance
Angeline Teo 0

Say NO to mandatory personal accident insurance

50 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Angeline Teo 0 Comments
50 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Dear NTU divers and prospective divers,

Apart from the mandatory travel insurance (which cost S$24 per trip) implemented recently for overseas dive trips, NTU Sports and Recreational Centre is now also making the purchase of personal accident plan compulsory for all course participants. It cost S$122.35 per annum and it is 100% bearable by you!

 The main difference between the two insurance policies is that:

-The travel insurance does not provide coverage for accidents due to "the use of underwater breathing appararus" for course participants (basic open water course and advance open water course)

-But the costly personal accident insurance provides the above coverage.

 NTU SRC is concerned about the accountability to parents should an accident happen to our participants. But NTU Dive Team understands the difficult of pulling out a lump sum of S$122.35 more than usual cost for compulsory insurance. And we strongly feel that purchase of insurance is highly dependable on each individual's risk appetite and the school should not impose compulsory purchase especially when the premium is so high for students like you and I.

Therefore, NTU Dive Team proposed to NTU SRC to give you and your parents a choice, in the form of a consent form, whether or not to purchase the costly PA insurance coverage. But it was rejected.

Thus, this petition aims at giving parents and yourself a choice to purchase the personal accident insurance and not to allow the school to make it mandatory.

We need the support of everyone of you! Help us to help you to spare your pockets!

Kindly leave down your matriculation number beside your full name and your email address. Thank you for your support! 

PS: NTU Dive Team will always continue to provide safe and affordable diving to NTU student population.

NTU Dive Team


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