It was reported in the Press yesterday that Dalton McGuinty, the Premier of Ontario says that he has received "very few complaints" about the H.S.T. Harmonized Sales Tax (the combining of G.S.T. and P.S.T.). He will likely take this as an indication that Ontarians support this change. I found this both incredible and hard to believe as I haven't spoke to a single person who supports this. IT'S TIME FOR ONTARIANS TO RISE UP AND LET DALTON KNOW THAT WE ARE TIRED OF BEING TAXED TO DEATH. Combining these taxes will make almost EVERYTHING more expensive. Things that that are not taxed by P.S.T. right now like, GAS and CONDO FEE's as two major examples will, see a price increase of 8%. Things that are not taxed by G.S.T. right now will see a 5% increase. After such a difficult economic period, who can afford this Don't allow this cash grab to happen!!! Don't sit by and let this government continue to make the cost of living in Ontario to rise. By signing this petition you are telling Dalton McGuinty that you DO NOT support the combining of G.S.T. and P.S.T. After signing this petition please forward it to everyone in your contact list. Hopefully by speaking out, for once our government will listen.