Say No To The Anti-Trade Union Bill
Caroline Jones 0

Say No To The Anti-Trade Union Bill

81 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Caroline Jones 0 Comments
81 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I oppose the Government's anti-Trade Union Bill and will stand up for my rights and freedom at work.

The Trade Union Bill will:

End Union Subs Deducted From Pay - The Bill will bring about a stop to the current method called ‘Check-Off’ in the Public Sector, which allows members to pay their union contributions from their salary. The Government says this is because of cost. However, many Public Service employers make other deductions from their employees’ pay such as council tax, private health care and credit union payments yet none of these are to be outlawed - only trade union deductions.

Your Right To Have A Workplace Rep - Trade Union facility time for your local GMB workplace representatives and convenors will be reduced or even eliminated under the lie that this is costly and expensive. The reality is that even Local Government employers accept that Trade Union facility time is worth every penny as it ensures decent harmonious industrial relations which you cannot put a price on.

An Attack On Your Right To Take Industrial Action - All industrial action will be illegal unless there is a turnout of more than 50% and in many essential services the new thresholds will be so demanding that it will make strike action an impossibility. If workers don’t have the right to strike then they are slaves! Where a Trade Union does get a mandate from its members to take action it will need to give 2 weeks’ notice rather than the current 1 week. Is this really a problem and what is the difference? The difference is that under this legislation employers will be able to use agency and temporary workers to do striking workers’ jobs and utterly undermine the strike. The UK will be one of very few countries across the world that will allow this.

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