Amae Chi London 0

SAY NO to tax on FEMININE SANITARY Products!

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Amae Chi London 0 Comments
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Even in the midst of a Global Pandemic and Recession (the Great Depression of the 21st CENTURY!)

Women are STILL expected to afford to pay considerable amounts of MONEY to purchase SANITARY products - to absorb their monthly menstrual flow. They are STILL charging TAX on these essential products!

Although the VAT rate was reduced from 10-5% (in the UK) THIS is still not enough!

WE FEMALES need our RIGHTS to be established and enforced - to be able to afford MENSTRUAL SANITARY hygiene products no matter how much income, without the need for assistance.

WE need to be able to afford to obtain these essential hygiene products even when we are not employed, or when we are not even in receipt of any income support!

IN FACT if WOMEN's RIGHTS and their RIGHT to have these essential provisions were taken seriously. WE should be able to receive even FREE basic sanitary products from HEALTH centres - just as FREE contraceptives (Condoms) are available to people in order to assist with preventing the spread of STDs.

A Woman's Menstrual cycle is a vital component of reproductive health and impertinent to us all! WE are all affected by these issues - both WOMEN and MEN would benefit from supporting the CAUSE and signing this petition to SUPPORT our right to better health care, to better management of our reproductive health and taking seriously the provision of sanitary products as a social issue!

WE ALSO need to be aware and to consider the proper waste disposal of these products as well as Babies Sanitary products and even our waste disposal and recycling in general. THE PROPER DISPOSAL of our garbage contributes to the state of our natural resources, the preservation of the environment and the earths ecosystem and atmosphere! IF WE genuinely care about the future about the children about the future generations and the WORLD we live in - WE must take these seemingly simple, basic issues SERIOUSLY!


ALSO to ENCOURAGE the Government/s to take hygienic disposal of these products SERIOUSLY!

EACH SIGNATURE is received with a POWERFUL INDICATION OF YOUR commitment to SUPPORT this vital cause!

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