Michael Cocchi MD 0

Say No to Hooters in Dedham

16 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Michael Cocchi MD 0 Comments
16 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

Last Spring, over 500 Dedham, Massachusetts residents signed a petition opposing the creation of a Hooters on Route One in Dedham at the site of the former Summer Shack. Acknowledging the strong objections from its constituents, in addition to the company's hiring practices and possible sports bar saturation in the area, the Dedham Board of Selectmen voted to deny the request for a liquor license transfer to Dedham Wings LLC (doing business as Hooters). This decision was overruled by the state Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission, and the license has been granted; however, the opposition to having a Hooters in this location has continued to grow. We, the undersigned, request that Dedham Wings LLC abandon their plan to open a Hooters franchise in Dedham in the face of ongoing and increasing opposition from this community.

The Hooters concept does not align with the values or strategic vision associated with historic Dedham. A Hooters franchise located in Dedham will negatively impact residents’ quality of life and tarnish the reputation of this historic town. According to the Hooters website: “Being a Hooters Girl is an honor bestowed upon only the most entertaining, goal oriented, glamorous and charismatic women. Hooters Girls have that special gift for making every guest feel welcome. She’ll have of all kinds of opportunities – like appearing in the annual Hooters Swimsuit Calendar. She is an American icon the world over. A waitress she is not.” Despite claims of being a fun family restaurant, the subtext of this establishment centers on the exploitation and objectification of women. This is not the type of business the residents of Dedham envision for their town.

By signing this petition, I am stating my opposition to the planned opening of a Hooters franchise in Dedham, Massachusetts, and I shall not be a patron of the location should it open.

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