Naresh Bharadwaj Karnataka 0

Say NO to flex banners

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Naresh Bharadwaj Karnataka 0 Comments
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"The Earth is not a gift from our parents, it is a loan from our children."

Do you believe that each one of us should strive to create a better, safer and clean world for the next generation? Let us begin today by tackling one of the problems facing urban India - flex banners.

Flex banners are cost effective and colourful. Hence they are a popular choice for marketing. Amidst those colours, there are life threatening pollutants. The flex banners are made of Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) which is non- biodegradable. Flex banners, when burnt release gases that are harmful and cause cancer, yet everyday tonnes of flex banners are incinerated in many of our cities.

In addition, most of the flex banners are put up illegally at major junctions, on trees, light poles and in just any place possible. This spoils the beauty of our cities causing "visual pollution". Such banners are sometimes hanging precariously and could be unsafe.

Through this campaign, let us unite to fight this menace. Let us urge our city corporations to take strict action against illegal banners. At the same time, let us also urge our elected representatives to cut down on flexes voluntarily.

More importantly, let each of us take responsibility and say NO to flex. Let us be the change we want to see.

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