My cause is just this Save One Tree Hill and Veronica Mars. I will be sending this out all over www.cwtv.com/lounge - One Tree Hill and Veronica Mars. I believe this \"youngster\" network has gone to another planet, so to speak. I understand their approach to bring the shows back during May sweeps to see how the shows ultimately play out for hopes of renewals for the fall line-up. But this is outrageous and completely uncalled for. I personally believe the CW is LOSING viewers especially considering they would be losing out on the WB classic and amazing One Tree Hill and UPN\'s fresh and suspensful Veronica Mars. They rid of these two amazing shows their once \"youngster\" network will be yet still the lowest rated network. I will be spreading this all over the websites related to One Tree Hill and Veronica Mars. Should these be canceled I would hope that another network pick them up. The Soapnet has already picked up One Tree Hill. Now what would be interesting is if they air fresh new episodes!!! And what would be even more amazing if they took Veronica Mars in for the rising of their network. Im appalled and baffled by what the CW has been doing. This is not a network, this is a network playing on jealousy and envy that other networks get bigger ratings....I wonder why......