This is an event dedicated to New Hampshire Institute of Art students protest in the recent decision by administration to not renew Sebastian Lockwoods' contract to teach at the Institute.
The departments argument is based on Sebastians class...es/curriculum/class rubric not being up to par with standardization with in the school. This is completely absurd and that all of us who have had Lockwood as a teacher know that his methods of teaching are both existential and thought provoking. The skills he has provided us are life long lessons that we as artists will use and cherish throughout our careers not only here at NHIA, but in the art field. These characteristics in an educator are needed in the class room and especially at an Art School.
As students who pay tuition for these services and classes, we ask you to please let the school hear your voice and give input to what you would like your learning experience to be like. Do NOT let us lose our valuable assets here at NHIA. If we loose Lockwood and all others that push the boundaries of our minds with in the class room, let us at least say we had a voice in the matter.
Thank you.