Saving Promesa
Promesa Parents 0

Saving Promesa

Promesa Parents 0 Comments
210 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

To the Superintendent, Mr. Isaac Williams, of Promesa Academy Charter School, I do believe we are beyond conversations now. We sat down with you to have open conversations and we gave you time and gave you our support. It has all been lost now. You have pulled the wool over our eyes and although you said your intent was to “get scores up for STAAR” and keep the school open, you have attempted to do that at all costs and without regard for others. You have lost many families (beyond reasonable numbers) and will continue to lose them alongside teachers and staff, should you return to Promesa Academy next year. We realize that student numbers have plummeted causing school budget for next year to do the same but you have solely been the cause for that. Your reasons and justifications for actions made within the school do not align with our community and it is time to make good on your promise. You publicly stated that if by the end of the year, you still did not have the support of the community to encompass parents/guardians and staff, that you would not return or sign your contract. We now ask that you honor that. Thank you for the time you invested in the school but I do believe that for the benefit for the community and the school, we put our trust in the board to find a more suitable superintendent.

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