Save Wycombe Museum
Save Wycombe Museum. Wycombe museum is a tranquil space in High Wycombe, close to the train centre and town centre. It's more than just a museum. It has beautiful gardens that local people can enjoy all the year round (whether it's a place for kids to run around or to take a lunch break from work). It provides fun (low price or free) activities for children, families, workshops and lectures for adults. It's been under threat for the past year or so (recession, budgets etc). In that year, the museum has increased its revenue raising activities...for example it has started to provide a children's party service. If it was a business (and had a proper CEO running it, rather than a career bean-counter) we'd say it was in its start-up or seed stage. But sadly, it doesn't. The Council are going to close it, split the collection and relocate it to a place so hideous only seriously obsessive chair historians and trolls will want to visit it (the old library site). People of Wycombe rise up. Say no to the grottification of Wycombe town centre, let's keep the little bit of history and culture we have and make it truly accessible. Sign the petition.