Save Winster!
I asking on behalf of Save Winster, a campaign to save the "Friendliest game community on the web to help keep Winster alive. Winster is planning to close on May 31,2012. It's more than a game, it's an experience. We believe it is worth saving and are willing to support it in various ways to keep it going. We are asking for a chance to keep what has been built up, not of not digital content alone, but we the people of it's community. The people from various places and walks of life. Friendships made in a safe and happy place. We enjoy the points and getting prizes, but there's more reason than that to keep it going, even if it has to change, to keep it from ending. We believe we haven't been given a fair chance to keep Winster and this is our cry, our voice to let you know we want to Save Winster!