Crossing Legacy 0

URGENT! Save Washington Crossing Historic Park

63 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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63 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now


This petition is to stop Pennsylvania House Bill 2126 that gives away to a private group over one hundred acres of  Washington Crossing Historic Park.

[UPDATE 5/2:  Please see our web site at for breaking news on this effort ...]

[UPDATE 4/29:  The PA House passed the bill on Tuesday 4/27.  Now it goes before the PA Senate next week.   Although it appears it is being fast-tracked, we are hopeful that with YOUR voices, signatures and support that the CITIZENS can stop this giveaway!  THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT!]

No part of this park should be given away in whole or in deed to any organization, especially any whose goal  differs from that of preserving the historic integrity of this National Landmark and all its 500 acres.

We, the undersigned,  believe the entire Washington Crossing Historic Park is a national treasure and the foundation of a living national monument.   The grounds of the entire 500 acre park were carefully selected for specific historic interpretative reasons at its creation.  Since 1917 the park has commemorated the valor and perseverance of America's first patriots, and each part of the park played a significant role in the events that lead to Washington's victory on December 26th, 1776 at the Battle of Trenton.

Pennsylvania House Bill 2126  (Session of 2009)  threatens the very existence of Washington Crossing Historic Park  as it was created and as we know it.   This bill gives away by deed 137.56 (27%) acres of park land. This sacred, dedicated land -- where General George Washington initiated and won the battle for American freedom and the beginning of our free country -- as well as the remainder of the 500 acres, is what makes Washington  Crossing Historic Park the revered national landmark that it is today.    Appropriating this piece of the park to a private organization sets a precedent that could lead to the total dismantling of the park.

We are asking all elected officials, in addition to our fellow Pennsylvanians, New Jerseyans, and Americans throughout the United States, as well as throughout the world, to sign this Petition to help save Washington Crossing Historic Park from being given to private entities -- from Bowman's Tower to the lower section where Washington crossed the Delaware on the night of December 25th, 1776.  This sacred national symbol should not be given away by our elected officials for any price to anyone!


The Crossing Legacy Foundation


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