Take the Stand Urbaniacs
We want to all know what is happening. So why isn't Mayor_DaMan (Josh) and Barry letting us know what is happening? Do they both still care for the site? We only have one coder, one Admin (Love_Child) and one active MOD. Is the site really cash strapped? We want to know what is going on. Some players have been here for 6 years, do you want to lose the ones that have stuck around? Because of no updates, nothing new, no old problems getting sorted out you are losing players and gaining none. We want the faults to be sorted out, not wait for months on end. We want to see you actually here on the site, actually caring for the thing you set up. You need to put money into the site, you need to come online and tell us what is happening, you need to get some staff - ones which are doing this as a job. We need Josh and Barry to wake up. Sign here if you would like to see this happen.