Save the Train

This may be one of your last oppurtunies to come out, and help save part of YOUR childhood. Remember all of the great memories you had as a child growing up. I also bet some of those memories include playing on \"Porter\" the train. Don\'t let these great times that have been enjoyed by generations go down the drain without a say. Make yourself be heard, and tell city council once and for all that we will not toletate the moving of \"Porter\"! Remember, even if it\'s just 15 minutes of your time, you have still done your part. ***********************PLEASE READ**************** 1. By signing this petition, you are saying that you would like \"Porter\" the Train to stay in Bellevue Park, and not be moved! 2. This is for people currently living out of town ONLY! All other entries will be deleted! 3. Only your Name and comments will be able to be viewed by others! The other information is only needed incase the City needs to contact you!