Tristin Lynn 0


25 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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25 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Every year, the Canadian government allows sealers to beat and skin hundreds of thousands of seals for their skin. During Canada's annual seal slaughter, tens of thousands of baby seals are killed for their skin. What they do is wrong! and it should be stopped immediately. Yes, though it may be legal {http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/seal-phoque/myth_e.htm} it does not mean it is right!!! Why do people do it you might ask? Its simply for the fact that those poor inocnet seals fur is popular in demand.In 2003 alone, 350,000 seals where killed in this brutal way and this year and in 2005, each year they will kill 350,000 more to make a total of over a MILLION seals killed within 3 years.{http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/236982184} These poor creatures are beaten, and skinned, sometimes they are even alive while this cruel act is committed, and if another seal tried to help, they too, were often killed.. Think of it this way.. how would you feel if it was yourself, or a loved one who was having this done to, and your couldnt do a thing about it?? So please help us try to deminish this cruelity act.Please, we urge you to stop allowing and supporting the killing of Canadian wildlife in such horrific way!{http://www.canadasshame.com/Default.aspx}

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