Appeal to the TS governing council
Respectful Dignitaries of the Governing Council -Theosophical Society,
" Looking back so many years to the time I moved off from the school, my respect for the school has grown leaps and bounds. Until I stepped out, I never realized what I really lost. The school was not just educating me, but was also enhancing me as an individual. The school has been instrumental in making me what I am and has also helped me identify my many talents I didn’t know existed. I have immense pride in saying that the learning from the school in fact helped me cross the hurdles in life with answers that I found inside me." - these are the feelings and thoughts that most alumnus have. And we also strongly believe that most of us want our children to learn in similar lines and be imbibed with similar values that we have accrued from this school.
For people with strong affiliation towards the school, it has come to be a shock that your esteemed institution does not want The School to operate in your premises beyond 2016. The news was a heart breaker. Even though we know that this journey is going to be short, lots of people, alumni as well as others who have had no previous connections with the school, have put their children in the first standard. Our children do not know yet that they might not be going to the same school after 2016 and we do not have an answer if they want to know why the school had to be shut down.
For every kid, this school is a forest where he/she can learn by looking around and not just by looking at the black board. For them the teachers are not madam or sir, but akka's and anna's whom he can approach without any fear should he have a question in mind. I would request you to consider these children’s future. Do you want to take it away from them? Should an institution as esteemed as the TS be responsible for breaking the hearts of so many children?
As an alumnus , we would deeply request you to take a decision, which would put smiles on our faces. In the ages to come, let our children remember Theosophical society for its generosity and its compassion for the joy of the fellow men and women and not for anything lesser. Lest alone, we do not feel righteous about the campus, but it is off the same feeling of bird fluttering when the tree's branch gets axed. The bird does not own the branch, the tree does not oppose the bird, but it is the axe that brings the disharmony. Hope the executive council will remove the axe and will remove the doubts in our hearts; after all it is love that unites both of us.
Eagerly looking forward to your positive reciprocation.