Save the Reformatory Branch Trail

The natural Reformatory Branch Trail that many residents of Concord and other towns have cherished for decades is now at risk for development.
The trail is currently used by pedestrians, bird watchers, dog walkers, joggers, and bicyclists of all levels and ages. It is also home to the endangered Blanding's Turtle and Britton's Violet flower.
We advocate for the preservation of Concord’s portion of the Reformatory Branch Trail as the natural trail that it is right now, which accommodates a wide variety of users and provides them with a healthful immersion in a living natural environment.
We strongly oppose the funding or execution of any engineering study that considers substantial tree clearing and widening or paving of this trail. Such a study would represent the first step down a mistaken path that could well lead to the destruction of this important natural resource in Concord.
For further information and actions to take, please visit savetherbt.com
PLEASE NOTE: Any solicitations for money are from iPetitions. No money goes to the Save the RBT campaign.