Keep Murderer Robert Lively in prison!!!

Sixteen years ago, a man, named Robert Lively inmate #22011-1 , knocked on an elderly man's door, in Clarksburg, WV and when he opened the door, Robert Lively shot and killed him, in cold blood. He was sentenced to 35 yrs in prison. He is coming up for parole February 1, 2011 this will be his FORTH time to come in front of the board. Lively became romantically involved with my ex wife, whom I had been divorced from 3 years prior while he was incarcerated at Stevens Correctional Facility in Welch, West Virginia. When the affair was made known, there was an investigation and then he was transferred to Huttonsville Correction Facility in Huttonsville, West Virginia and she was forced to leave her job as an LPN at Stevens.If he is paroled, they have plans to be together. She has already moved to the area where he will be returning to if paroled and declared she is his Fiance openly. This means that my Daughter and Son, ages 8 and 6, will be exposed to and possibly living with a convicted murderer.
We have contacted the WV Parole Board and they informed us that every letter and every signature would make a difference.
Please sign this petition, to keep this man behind bars, where he belongs and away from two innocent children. Two children, who would be at risk of emotional and physical abuse. There is no way that this man could have any kind of positive effect on their lives, only negative. He was also has charged with grand larceny, breaking and entering and receiving and transferring of stolen goods these were all separate charges not related to the crime itself. We feel we must do everything we can to keep him behind bars. The future of two, young, innocent children is at stake. Please sign, so we can get this to the Parole Board ASAP. Thank you.
This is our Facebook group created in protest of Robert Lively's Parole. Please add us.