Stop the killing of Dolphins in Taiji,Japan.

Each year from September to May over 23,000 dolphins are slaughtered in Japan. Bottlenose dolphins sold off for upwards of $200,000 to marine mammal parks around the world, where they will remain in captivity performing as circus acts. The rest of them are inhumanely killed and sold as food which causes mercury poisoning. Bottlenose dolphins, especially ones that look like Flipper, are pre-selected by trainers and sold off for upwards of $200,000 to marine mammal parks around the world, where they will remain in captivity performing as circus acts. After the trainers and spectators have left, the rest of the dolphins are inhumanely killed ,what can only be described as a massacre. The butchered dolphins are later used for food, but the Japanese government has intentionally sheltered people from the dangers of eating them. Consequences: Dolphins will soon be under the list of most endangered species.Taiji will happen to be one of the leading causes.Dolphins,living beings being more intelligent than human beings are killed every year,sold and trained for circus.The beautiful cetaceans will no more be seen.They will be lost forever. Consumers of dolphin meat run the risk of mercury poisoning due to high levels of the toxin within the animals. Adding to the danger, much of the pricier whale meat they purchase is actually mislabeled toxic dolphin meat. While the Japanese government defends dolphin hunting as part of their cultural heritage, this tradition has serious health effects on its own people.There is nothing cultural about KILLING dolphins. Taiji Fisheries Union continued to conceal their mystery of the blue tarps but not for long.The Cove Guardians did their best and our voices were heard.They spread awareness and we will continue to do so. Please sign this petition to request the Mayor of Taiji to take an action against this,to put an end to the massacre.Please help. Every little action counts.Thank you very much.