Save Sussex University Creche and Nursery
This petition for you to show your support for Sussex University Creche and Nursery, which is currently threatened with closure by University management. Sussex University Creche and Nursery offer an outstanding service to parents on campus, be they students or staff. They are currently threatened by University management with closure, either in their present form (by being privately outsourced) or outright (by being shut down altogether). At present, childcare provision is subsidised by the University; management are no longer prepared to continue doing so. Yet having decent childcare on campus is a major enabler of student parents to pursue their degrees; it also allows staff to return to work relatively early, thereby saving the University from having to find maternity replacements. The provision of good childcare is a major consideration for prospective or current parents, when choosing to accept a job or a place at a University. Without it, the University's stated commitments both to gender equality and to attracting the best faculty and students look undermined. Parents are committed to working with staff to find effective cost-cutting measures to keep the Creche and Nursery open. Please show your support for the Creche and Nursery by joining this group.