Save surestart childrens center in yate westgate
Becki Boo Turnbull 0

Save surestart childrens center in yate westgate

55 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Becki Boo Turnbull 0 Comments
55 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We need as many signatures before wednesday due to council closing some of surestart childrens centers, There are 9 centres set to shut and be handed out to other agency's there is a meeting Wednesday in kingswood civic centre to try and stop this from happening, my point is we need as many people to sign this petition to help stop close our main surestart center in yate westgate, i know alot of mums benefit from surestart as i do, we have a young mums group, and even a dads group, and it would be sad to see these stopped so please help us fight for this center!!!

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