Save Sterling Library!
Dear Members of the Loudoun Library Board of Trustees and Loudoun Board of Supervisors: As you know, public libraries are necessary institutions that provide resources to people who might not otherwise have access to them. The Sterling library is like a family to Sterling Park where people who have little or no income can walk to the library instead of traveling to a larger branch, which may not be possible due to the lack of transportation. At Sterling Library, the community prospers from story times where toddlers crowd around a reader and senior citizens, who can walk to the library from the Senior Home next door, can read newspapers and magazines for free because they can no longer afford to subscribe themselves. There are also opportunities for citizens who have recently been laid off to try and find new employment. With the current economic trend, this area will become more desperate for many economically strapped young families, teens, and elderly patrons who have grown accustomed to and enjoy reading and using the internet at the Sterling branch. The libraries provide both civic and recreational opportunities, help to build warm and responsive communities, and provide access to a wealth of information that might not otherwise be readily available. Librarians answer reference questions that are essential to students, struggling families, business people and many more. If the Sterling Library is shut down, this may cause economic hardship to many in the area and could be a cause for more social, economic and criminal degradation in an already troubled area. I know times are tough for everyone, including the government, but if the Sterling Library is closed, access to information for hundreds of local patrons could be removed. I would like to end with a quote by Anne Herbert from The Whole Earth Catalog: “Libraries will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no libraries.” Please reconsider the closure of the Sterling Library. The employees of the branch, myself, and many people like me would greatly appreciate it. Sincerely, The Undersigned