Robinhood Lanes against Walgreens
Garrett Landry 0

Robinhood Lanes against Walgreens

612 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Garrett Landry 0 Comments
612 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

If you're unfamiliar with the context of the petition, check out the links below:

An explanation explaining the difference between the online petition and the in person polling sheet you may have signed:

"I encourage you to sign this online petition, it can be signed very quick. But if you have already signed the polling sheet, it is certainly okay not to sign this one. But, in my opinion, there is a difference between the two. The other petition is more of a vote than a petition.
The main purpose of this online petition is to create an online environment and opportunity for those who have not had a chance to sign the petition in person. It is also a more narrowed version, when signed, that solely states that 'I am against Walgreens replacing Robin Hood Lanes.' (rather than a vote for one or the other) Please note in your signature if you've taken the in-person poll"

An explanation from Teri Kopp Terrano in defense of Robin Hood Lanes:

"We want you to know that there is a fast growing Edmonds community group doing everything we can to save Robin Hood Lanes. You have been an integral part of the family entertainment in Edmonds ever since you first opened over 50 years ago. Losing your facility will be detrimental to our community. Robin Hood Lanes is one of the last local Edmonds businesses that is focused on fun for the entire community and continues to do so well even during our tough economy times. There are so many people that rely on and use your location for fun and entertainment as well as education and an indoor safe gathering place. Included in this list of people are over a thousand league bowlers that fill the bowling alley almost every night of the week. These people are not just local from Edmonds; they travel from as far away as Federal Way, Marysville and Kingston, to only name a few. There are the senior citizens, as old as 90 and the kids as young as 5. There are the local high school teams that practice and have tournaments; as well as those students there on evenings and weekends who rely upon an indoor structured activity, away from drugs and trouble so present in their lives at this age. We know Robin Hood Lanes is one of the reasons Edmonds is so great. It is really unique to have the bowling alley as well as the Theaters, the Farmers Market, the Taste of Edmonds, the 4th of July Festivities, the Waterfront and Arts Festivals, etc. Edmonds is one of the last cities in Washington that has historically been able to provide the same things as Seattle but in a more intimate and family oriented way. In this we think Edmonds is one of the last places in Washington that still is in touch with the original soul of the city. If any one of these businesses or activities were to shut down it would be affect the entire city as a whole. It is so hard for many to understand how a successful bowling alley could be replaced by a large pharmacy chain that many feel will not survive here and are perfectly happy with Bartell Drugs and QFC pharmacy. Other lots are vacant and available in the Westgate area; why must Walgreens choose this location that so integral to our community? We hope for the kids, the teenagers, the seniors, the families and the community of Edmonds that our voices will be heard and in some way Robin Hood Lanes can be with us for at least another 50 years! Thank you for everything you have done and we are hopeful our community efforts will make a difference!! Robin Hood Lanes against Walgreens"


Garrett Landry Teri Kopp Terrano

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