save missouri state schools for severely handicapped children
in early 2005 shortly after coming into office governor blunt began proposing cuts and elimination of programs for the of those proposed was bellfontaine habilitation center in st. louis...a home for the mentally disabled...also on his target list was the first steps program designed to assist children with special needs....the latest target on governor blunts list is missouri\'s state schools for \"severely handicapped\" children...there are 35 schools statewide that serve over 1,000 children between the ages of 5 and 21 who because of their severe mental and physical disabilities and compromised immune systems can not function in the public school setting which is what he is proposing...the unbelievable part of this is that this is going on without the public being made aware...we need the publics involvement...because...if things continue the way they are going the time the public finds out it will be too late....please help us by signing our will be sent to the governor by November 30, 2006.