Save Our Plaza in Adams Morgan

We ask that the pedestrian intersection at 18th Street and Columbia Road, NW be improved, yet remain a central community gathering space and plaza serving the residents of Adams Morgan.
We are opposed to the current PN Hoffman plan to build a 80+ foot tall Bethesda-like apartment complex that would subsume the public plaza we use and enjoy now.
We support city intervention that will protect our plaza from encroachment by any proposed project at this central site in our neighborhood.
We support the City in any effort to purchase this property so that we the residents can shape future development at this special location.
We want to preserve our plaza as an improved open public space that can positively effect all future generations who come to live, work, and play in our neighborhood.
We want progressive and serious engagement by our elected officials, especially our Ward One Council Member, regarding this critical planning issue that could forever change the c haracter of our historic neighborhood.
More information on this petition, including a PDF of the proposed plans for this corner can be found at http://saveourplaza.wordpress.com
You can track the issue on an ongoing basis by joining our Adams Morgan for Reasonable Development https://www.facebook.com/admo4rd