Save the San Jose OTS programs!

Because of the budget difficulties, San Jose's new proposed budget for the year 2010 states a change in the 'service delivery model for community centers, significantly reducing the facilities and services available' INCLUDING COMPLETELY ELIMINATING the Office of Therapeutic Services programs in San Jose.
The OTS programs have been available to disabled persons for over 20 years, and it would be a shame for these programs to be eliminated from peoples’ lives. OTS has provided individuals with disabilities with programs for adults, and juniors with both physical and mental disabilties. All equally important! These programs include Wheels on Fire (a program for juniors with disabilties), San Jose Spokes Adult wheelchair basketball, Wheelchair Tennis, and so much more!
Please join us in our efforts to keep this wonderful opportunity for other kids and adults available. Sign this petition if you do not want the OTS programs to be eliminated.
Far West Wheelchair Sports (San Jose)
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City of San Joses Parks and Rec webpage