Save Music in Monterey Schools!
Besides the Monterey Peninsula being well known for its sprawling coastline, it is a major catalyst for the arts (Monterey Jazz Festival, Monterey Bay Blues Festival, Carmel Bach Festival, Reggae Festival, Monterey Pop Festival, etc.). With such a notable list of festivals and other musical events, one might think that music in the schools would be top priority for the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (MPUSD). However, the situation could not be more catastrophically different. With increasing budget cuts for all music departments within the Monterey Peninsula burdening all students and teachers of the musical arts, the impending end of music in the Monterey Peninsula is closer than any could imagine. All funding for music departments within MPUSD will be cut. Teachers that have dedicated their lives to making a difference in children's lives will be fired. Students will not have the opportunities which music allows to pursue their musical passions, to gain necessary life experience, express their emotions, develop a work ethic, and use their minds in a beautiful way. It has been proven that music influences students in an extremely positive way, from higher grades to enriched feelings of happiness and fulfillment. Music develops the culture and identity of all. Sign the petition, write a letter, make a phone call, make your voice heard!